The mission of Turn the Page KC is to mobilize our entire community to ensure children gain the literacy skills they need to create a lifetime of opportunity, regardless of what school they attend or what zip code they are from.
We use two strategic approaches to fulfilling this mission:
Collective Impact Coordination - We offer our services to support collective impact initiatives in literacy to posibility impact schools, families, early childhood, education, before-and after-school programming, and summer learning experiences.
Inclusive Books and Resources - We distribute inclusive books to children across the KC metro area through initatives and programs that also provide the adults in their lives with resources and/or training to make those books most impactful.
Grade-level reading proficiency by third grade has been identified as one of the key indicators of academic success. Turn the Page KC is proud to be one of the partner organizations that make Kansas City a Grade-Level Reading Community.
In the spring of 2023, we became members of the Diverse Books for All Coalition. Alongside other literacy non-profits and member organizations from across the country, we're championing access to reading materials that reflect young readers identities and help them develop empathy for others.
We've just launched an exciting new program combining youth literacy with family friendly performing arts!